Past Visitors
- Richard Cleve (ICQ Waterloo): 7/2024
- Wei Lu (Texas): 7/2024
- Antoine Song (Caltech): 6/2024
- Igor Klep (Ljubljana): 5/2024
- Jana Reker (IST Austria): 2/2024
- Wangjun Yuan (Luxembourg): 1-2/2024
- Anne Broadbent (Ottawa): 11/2023
- Ping Zhong (Laramie): 11/2023
- Oleg Evnin (Bangkok): 10/2023
- Nicolas Delporte (OIST): 9/2023
- Richard Cleve (ICQ Waterloo): 8/2023
- Sang Gyun Youn (SNU): 7/2023
- Nalini Anantharaman (College de France): 6-7/2023
- Felix Parraud (KTH): 5/2023
- Ben Hayes (Virginia): 5-6/2023
- Charles Bordenave (CNRS): 3-7/2023
- Luca Lionni (ENS Lyon): 4/2023
- Moritz Weber (Saarland ): 3/2023
- Nicolas Delporte (OIST): 3/2023
- Laura Escobar (Washington): 2-4/2023
- Yuanyuan Xu (IST): 1-2/2023
- Dan Voiculescu (UC Berkeley): 1/2023
- Pierre Nolin (City University of Hong Kong):11-12/2022
- Hongchang Ji (IST): 10-11/2022
- Octavio Arizmendi (CIMAT): 7-8/2022
[older visitors, under construction]
- email
- address
- Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science,
- Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
- Tel: + 81-75-753-3728
- 京都大学理学研究科数学教室 ブノワ・コリンズ
- 075-753-3728